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white bread





Why I Switched to Clean Skincare

How I Simplified My Life and Reduced Overwhelm

My Most Requested Bread Recipe 

When I decided I wanted to be more intentional and cook more from scratch, one of the very first things I did was begin baking my own white bread. It wasn’t as hard as I thought and the results were incredible. This white bread recipe is as simple as it gets and creates such a […]

hey hey!

It is so nice to meet you, I'm Courtney!

I'm a mother of 5 and farmer's wife with a passion for living a more simple, old fashioned life. Around here we homeschool, homestead, and love to cook homemade meals from scratch. Here you can find a collection of my favorite recipes including my favorite bread recipes, soups and suppers, and of course sweet treats! I'm so glad you are here!

more about me